On the night November 5th Zeta Omicron packed their suitcases for business casual and their ski box full of suits.
Destination: Normal, Illinois.
Every year Pi Sigma Epsilon headquarter hosts a Regional conference in each of the established region:
Even on Friday, the first day, the schedule was packed.
Zeta Omicron members
- attended roundtables as they shared experiences/advice with other chapter members.
- participated in the Pro-Am Sell-a-Thon a highly recognized/praised selling competition.
- participated in the National Speakers Contest.
- engaged in various leadership exercises.
- networked with a hall full of employers. Northwestern Mutual, Coyote Logistic, Tom James, UPS, CH Robinson, Multiview, and many more.
Saturday was met with an early rise.
- 9 AM: Key note speaker Eric Hoss, a Director at State Farm, spoke on the importance of a quality mentor.
- more extensive roundtables.
- Certified Chapter Officer Training
- Interfraternal Marketing Competition.
- awards ceremony
This year was a good year for Zeta Omicron members.
Top 10 finalist for the Pro-Am Sell-a-Thon
2nd Place for the National Speakers Competition
and Finalist team for the Interfraternal Marketing Competition.
The sight are now on a successful Nationals.